As merino wool does not easily absorb unpleasant doors and is still warm even when damp, it is also a popular material for a wide variety of occasions.
For sheep's wool and merino wool in particular, we require our suppliers to provide proof that the wool has not been obtained in connection with the mulesing process. Mulesing is a mostly cruel procedure carried out on sheep to protect them from infestation by the so-called "Sheep Blowfly". This method is now only used in Australia, which is why transparency about the country of origin in conjunction with certifications along the entire supply chain are important to us.
As part of the „Brands against mulesing“ initiative of the animal welfare organization Vier Pfoten (Four Paws), we also speak out against the practice of mulesing at a political level. We have brought forward our original goal of using only mulesing-free merino wool to 2028 by 2030.